Top 5 use cases for Jira Issue Templates

Jira issue templates are powerful tools that can streamline workflows, improve consistency, and enhance productivity across various project management tasks.

By leveraging Jira issue templates, teams can eliminate repetitive tasks and ensure that every issue follows a standardized format. In this article, we'll explore the top five use cases for Jira issue templates, demonstrating how they can transform your project management experience.

Bug tracking

Bug tracking is a critical aspect of software development. Jira issue templates can simplify this process by providing a standardized format for reporting bugs. With pre-defined fields for bug descriptions, steps to reproduce, expected and actual results, and severity levels, developers can quickly and consistently log issues.


  • Consistency: Ensures all necessary information is captured in every bug report.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the time spent on manual entry, allowing developers to focus on resolving issues.
  • Accuracy: Minimizes the risk of missing important details, improving the quality of bug reports.

Example template

  • Summary: [Bug] [Component] - Brief Description
  • Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug
  • Expected Result: What should happen
  • Actual Result: What actually happens
  • Severity: Critical, Major, Minor
  • Assignee: Assigned developer

You might also be interested into this ready-to-use bug template.

Feature requests

Gathering feature requests from stakeholders can be chaotic without a standardized process. Jira issue templates ensure that all feature requests are documented uniformly, making it easier for product managers to review and prioritize them.


  • Uniformity: All feature requests are logged in a consistent format.
  • Clarity: Provides a clear structure for stakeholders to describe their requested features.
  • Prioritization: Facilitates easier comparison and prioritization of feature requests.

Example template

  • Summary: [Feature Request] - Brief Description
  • Description: Detailed description of the requested feature
  • User Story: As a [user], I want [feature], so that [benefit]
  • Acceptance Criteria: Conditions that must be met for the feature to be accepted
  • Priority: High, Medium, Low
  • Requester: Name of the stakeholder

You might also be interested into this ready-to-use feature requrest template.

Task Management

Task management is essential for keeping projects on track. Jira issue templates can streamline the creation of tasks by providing a pre-defined structure, ensuring that all tasks include the necessary information for team members to complete them efficiently.


  • Efficiency: Speeds up the task creation process.
  • Consistency: Ensures all tasks are documented with essential details.
  • Accountability: Clearly defines task owners and deadlines.

Example template

  • Summary: [Task] - Brief Description
  • Description: Detailed description of the task
  • Assignee: Team member responsible for the task
  • Due Date: Deadline for task completion
  • Priority: High, Medium, Low
  • Sub-tasks: List of any sub-tasks required

Sprint Planning

Sprint planning requires meticulous preparation and organization. Jira issue templates can help by providing a consistent format for user stories and tasks, making it easier for teams to plan their sprints effectively.


  • Preparation: Ensures all user stories and tasks are ready for sprint planning.
  • Clarity: Provides clear and detailed user stories for the development team.
  • Alignment: Helps align the team's efforts with sprint goals.

Example template

  • Summary: [User Story] - Brief Description
  • Description: Detailed user story
  • Acceptance Criteria: Conditions for the story to be considered complete
  • Story Points: Estimation of effort required
  • Assignee: Team member responsible for the story
  • Sprint: Sprint number or name

Onboarding Processes

Onboarding new employees involves numerous tasks and information. Jira issue templates can standardize this process, ensuring that every new hire receives the same information and completes the necessary steps.


  • Consistency: Ensures all new hires follow the same onboarding process.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the time HR spends on creating onboarding tasks.
  • Clarity: Provides clear instructions for new hires.

Example template

  • Summary: [Onboarding] - New Hire Name
  • Description: Welcome message and brief overview of the onboarding process
  • Checklist: List of tasks new hires need to complete
    • Complete HR paperwork
    • Set up workstation
    • Attend orientation
  • Assignee: HR representative
  • Due Date: Completion date for the onboarding process

You might also be interested into this ready-to-use onboarding template.

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